Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I think i really suck at time management. Yes i better make good use of my time AKA get started on my dumb assignment now instead of lazing around, chatting online and surfing meangingless stuff like geek fashion. Yes yes, according to everyone, as the birthday girl, im supposed to stand out as the geekiest person? How does that make any sense? I think I can only stand out if i appear less geeky.

And it seems like 'the end of the world' is all people can talk about now. I'm hearing it everyday. I used to think its impossible. I was 100% confident that it wont be happening and it better not be. If not, I'm seriously just gonna quit school and enjoy the remaining 700 days I've got left. And i'll tell my teachers, esp my PR tutor " im so done with PR! go get a life, even PR cant save your ass on 21st december!" (or issit 12th, whatever it is)

I even used to think that those people who believed in Doomsday were naive. But now I'm not so sure anymore.. ok im 80% sure it wont be happening. crossing my fingers.

Anyway, yes, I want friday to be a damn good day, not just for me but for all of you. I hope everything goes smoothly. Food, fun and company.

ps to ps. Maybe the blue haired guy is your soulmate hoho. My classmate was telling me he went to a fortune teller who could name him his parents with just a leaf and totally no information on hand. No computer no nothing. freaky? He says everything is FATED. How your life is gonna turn out has all been planned for, all destined.

Somehow, im not exactly pleased to be hearing this because i believe destiny lies in our own hands. Lets say if a fortune teller tells you that you're gonna make it big and be rich someday. If you're aware tt's your fate, and even if you have no strive in you and play whole day long, will you still make it big someday? what's gonna happen? money's gonna just appear on your doorstep someday? Not that i'd doubt the words of a fortune teller but whatever the outcome, we're the ones deciding it. Feel free to disagree.

And i guess ps u arent the only one feeling fat and ugly and so on. i am too. apparently beesiang too. we can so relate to it.. the feeling sucks btw. and im not sure about u girls... year 2011 just doesnt seem to be going too well for me.. lots of rough times and its not about to end yet. hopefully everythings gonna get better after this semester and pray hard i will pass all of this sem's modules smoothly. Just talking about school really depresses me and im just reminded that I'll be having a debate session in class afterwards. A debate, seriously? Not like im gonna be a lawyer next time. and not like marketing and media has got anything to do with debating? jeez i so wanna skip all this shit.

Had a dream last night too but not really worth going into detail. I was just playing with dough.. yeah and i wanted to mould the dough into char siew bao shape but didnt because there were lotsa worms in the dough. fuck i dunno what's with worms.. this is the 2nd time in a week im dreaming about worms and i hate worms..

love, emo ting ting

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