Hey hey its been ages since i last blogged and... chey! looks like im not the only one! you guys are just as lazy! but it doesnt matter since im seeing u guys like practically everyday these past 2 weeks. the only person missing in action is our poor michelle. dunno what the heck she's up to these few days la. dead ah?
mic u better get ur butt right up here and update us with ur no-life, low-life or wadever. ok for myself, i hadnt much to post la just that i was pretty sick these few days. down with that idiotic cough and my throat is feeling so damn itchy, even right now.
ok, i think i have somethin more interesting to post about. its regarding the stay over at ps's hse. well, pretty fun, though only 3 of us( me, ps and cy) wha cy is a pig lor! it was supposed to be a slp over, u noe ton at ps hse and stuff but she fell asleep! she freaking fell aslp! tt stupid cy who always hate ppl to fall aslp when stayin over at pple's hse. We were watchin this interesting thailand movie ( My Girl) and it was pretty good, kinda sad at some moments but very light-hearted and funny at some points, well most points. So halfway thru e movie, this idiot CY, sitting beside me suddenly jerked her head down, scaring me half dead and when i looked at her, her eyes were closed and she looked so damn peaceful but she still i woke her up. Actually it wasnt my intention to wake her up i just giggled at her stupid face and she woke up. but.. not long after, she fell asleep again.
actually, before we ended up at ps's hse, we girls were at my place, playing mahjong, and then CY who was supposed to reach at 2 reached at 5 so only me, qy and mic, played 3 ppl's mahjong whereby mic won ONE round and she was so darn happy she was like " FINALLY!" yeahhh congrats to u. and QY winning most of teh rounds cos we werent playing money, meaning she usually loses when we play money which is a good thing for Chinese New Year so everyone, rmb to play mahjong, with stakes.
Then at dinner time, the 4 mahjong kakis left for bedok to meet our dearest Xinyi who was at the hawker helping us DA BAO hokkien mee ( and they said sick ppl shouldnt eat tt but i still did anywae and great, my condition worsened plus i khey kiang still drink ice milo) and then when we were lookin for XY at the hawker, mic and cy pa jiao ah so nv see XY sitting down and they walked on ahead. thank gdness there was the tallty QY who saw XY in time and we walked over to XY's side waiting for her to acknowledge our presence. Well, it was a failure cos she's like blind to her surroundings so me and Qy were like shouting at the top of our lungs " XY tt idiot, dun tell me she hadnt notice us yet. is she like dumb or dumb??" well she is so we had to shook her. and she was like " EH?!?! reach alr ah." i mean like duhhhhhhhhh.. since long ago. XY is not only blind, she's a bit deaf also. damn i haf a handicapped fren.
so after tt, we called cy and mic over and then we waited for hokkien mee and set off for ps's hse. so pathetic we had our dinner at ps's hse downstairs, by the poolside. and XY and i were so merrily discussing about BLEACH and the rest were .. well, i haf no idea wad they were chattin about, probably evesdropping on us, i dunno. and den tt crazy XY i dunno wad kinda crazy memory she has she can rmb every single minor detail and she blames me for my senile memory. SHe noes wad colour clothes they wore at a certain point, wad expression their faces had and how they drew their swords wadever bla bla. but it felt so damn good that finally, i had someone to discuss bleach with me. Not only that, we even listened to bleach soundtracks so all in all it was good.
when we were done eating, we went up to ps's hse and after her parents left we watched some pretty sick perverted shows ( we didnt noe it was gonna be like tt) you noe, the 40yr old virgin and i forgot wad else. anywae, we gave up halfway on 40yr old virgin. Ok not halfway, maybe less than 20 min and we switched vcd. To mine, yours, ours or sth like tt and it wasnt catchy enough either so we also gave tt up. den when everyone left except me, cy and ps we watched american pie BAND CAMP which i watched bfore so i went to watch fushigi yuugi. and den we chatted and watched tv and did lotsa stuff and den at 5am everyone was aslp and i was e last to wake up. Then XY da bao breakfast for us, BK BREAKFAST somemore and we chatted and watched tv and she went to violet's hse and we watched howl's movin castle and it was quite boring though the male lead looked like tamaki from ouran and bla bla. i jus realised my sentences are continous, no full stops rite? sorry im outta breath. well, this is all though it sounds boring but it really was fun ok. im really tired i haf to leave now lol. so TATA.